Karnataka Event Management Association Announces its First General Body Election on April 8, 2021
by EVENTFAQS Bureau Industry Watch | March 15, 2021 | News
Karnataka Event Management Association (KEMA) Arvind Jyot Sabhaney Sanjeev Kapoor
The Karnataka Event Management Association (KEMA) has announced its first general body election slated for April 8, 2021. The election will select candidates for 11 posts. More than 20 members will be nominating themselves for these posts and 80 members of KEMA will be exercising their franchise. The elections will be conducted professionally with a returning officer, ballot and more.

Talking to EVENTFAQS Media, Arvind Jyot Sabhaney and Sanjeev Kapoor, Co-Founders of KEMA, recalled how excited they were when they started the association in February, 2019. “The association has come a long way in spite of the pandemic. We have more than 80 registered general body members and conduct regular meetings every month. The association has grown from strength to strength. From taking care of its members and vendors and addressing the disputes that are likely to arise, to assisting members in running their businesses, KEMA has done it all. Chartered accountants, lawyers and company secretaries form an integral part of KEMA, including HR services and other important functions required to successfully and smoothly run the business. We look forward to the new Executive Committee who will be taking KEMA to new heights,” Sabhaney and Kapoor said.
The following are the positions to be filled through the election:
1. President
2. Vice President 1
3. Vice president 2
4. General Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Executive committee member - Redressal
7. Executive committee member - Legal
8. Executive committee member - Liasoning
9. Executive committee member - PR & Marketing
10. Executive committee member - Membership
11. Executive committee member - Event & Production
Arvind Jyot Sabhaney and Sanjeev Kapoor will be enrolled as Life Members and will also be entitled to voting and other rights and privileges of the association, including the right to hold elective posts.
The first general body election of KEMA will select candidates for 11 posts. More than 20 members will be nominating themselves for these posts.