Organisers and my team, together try to give an experience that people can remember: Sunidhi Chauhan

Entertainment | August 17, 2022 | Video Update

Sunidhi Chauhan

Sunidhi Chauhan has been one of the biggest breakout artistes of the last two decade, who continues to dominate music charts. In the past few years gone by, the singer continued with her USP of singing fast-paced tracks but also successfully experimented with various hit numbers! Chauhan has performed at countless concerts and has delivered blockbuster shows!

In an exclusive interview with EVENTFAQS Media, popular singer Sunidhi Chauhan shares insights on her recent show Coca-Cola arena, living up to the expectations of the organizers and the fans, maintaining the position of a high-energy stage performer, ticketing artists preferred by event planners and more. 

Coca-Cola Arena saw your new avatar! We can say Dubai witnessed an upgraded version of the Sunidhi Chauhan we know and love! Tell us how you manage to enthral your audience every time you get on a stage. 

I'm glad that this message got across through our broadcast. We constantly work to improve the show and are always looking for ways to do so. We constantly strive to improve it for the audience. It was more important to me this time because it was in Dubai. It has been one of my favourite cities to perform at. During numerous performances in Dubai, people have watched me perform and hear me sing their favourite songs. I wanted to give them a different kind of experience in addition to the new songs, and I'm thrilled that it came through and the audience liked it. To be completely honest, putting on a show of that calibre takes a lot of work and planning, but what matters most is that I get to be myself on stage and show the audience who I really am. I enjoy putting whatever I am feeling on display for the world to see. I have nothing to conceal. People connect with me when I'm being honest with them when playing on stage, in my opinion. When I'm on stage, they feel it, they understand me, and I eventually understand them. It's a very lovely exchange. It is this interaction that makes it such a lovely experience. That's how I felt while doing the act in Dubai—nearly it's miraculous.

Every time we hear about your show, we are sure, it is going to be fabulous. How do you make sure all your shows are a huge success and live up to the expectations of the organizers and the fans?

I'm overjoyed and appreciative of everyone who feels that way about my show. That naturally keeps me under pressure to leave no stone unturned, which keeps me in a good place. When people watch my show, it is what causes them to feel the way they do. I want them to find it worthwhile. As I indicated earlier, the audience is the reason why all of this occurs. It's a transaction. Both the audience and I benefit from the energy exchange. I also make sure that the entire band practises adequately before we start a tour or any concert since the behind-the-scenes work is very crucial. Additionally, we must master the fundamentals completely to ensure that, even when we make mistakes, we do not repeat them and that we can learn from them. For me, each performance is unique; it is not simply another concert. I feel like once I'm on that stage, that's it for me, and I have to give it everything. I've been performing for 25 years, and I know what my audience is feeling. Call it a cliché, but as the show begins, my band and I as well as the entire crowd feel and comprehend what is occurring. Depending on the mood and reaction of the crowd, I occasionally alter the setlist.

How difficult it is to maintain the position of a high-energy stage performer in India?

I appreciate the compliment. I enjoy that others share my sentiments, but I don't put any pressure on myself. I don't believe I plot excessively or do anything to keep from being myself on stage. You need to be genuine and honest on stage, therefore I don't think you can pull that off. You must act in accordance with the feeling, be present and feel the moment. This causes us to occasionally lose control and go on an insane intensity level, which is fantastic to witness the crowd feel. Even though I know I perform the same songs at every show and have done so for many years, each time I sing them on stage, I experience something fresh. For instance, when I sing "Mehboob mere," I still feel like I'm learning the song. The key is to avoid growing accustomed to your routine and becoming complacent. Basically, music never gets old for me. It inspires me to accomplish more, and I can sing the same song over and over again without becoming tired of it or thinking of new ways to arrange it. It is highly individualized. The audience hears all you are experiencing.

These days, ticketing artists are preferred by event planners. How do you ensure that you meet their needs?

Whenever we perform as a group, it is certainly everyone's show. Not just the band, the artist, and their support staff. It's the event planner's, the organisers', and everyone else's show. They ensure that everything complies with the requirements and is done in accordance with what is necessary. To create the show as it should be and avoid compromise, we constantly aim to reach a compromise somewhere in the middle. We work together to create an experience that people will remember. That's always the intention. As a performer, I make sure the quality of the show is maintained. We'd rather go all out than hold back or take shortcuts, especially with the amount of effort, time, and attention to detail that goes into a show.

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She shares insights on her recent show Coca-Cola arena, living up to the expectations of the organizers and the fans, maintaining the position, ticketing artists preferred by event planners and more.

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