EVENTFAQS Announces Mettle Awards to Honour the Lockdown Heroes of the Events Industry

Business Events | February 19, 2021 | News

Mettle Awards EVENTFAQS Media

To honour the events industry’s corona warriors who have played a crucial role and emerged as heroes during the COVID-19 crisis, EVENTFAQS Media has announced the launch of Mettle Awards with the tagline ‘Saluting our Lockdown Heroes’.

The awards will recognise and honour events industry professionals who rose above the challenges posed by the COVID-19 induced lockdown, and proved their mettle. The work of the winners will go on to inspire the entire industry.

Talking about the Mettle Awards, Deepak Choudhary, Founder and Director, EVENTFAQS Media and Event Capital, said, “The lockdown hit all of us hard but it also tested the mettle of professionals in the events industry. Some of them came out with flying colours. There are some truly inspiring stories out there, from people pivoting around the crisis to host digital events to using their skillsets and channelising energies to help others. Mettle Awards will seek them out and celebrate their achievements, to serve as an inspiration for the rest of us as we get back to events with a bang.”

Categories for the Mettle Awards include:

- Mettle Agency

- Mettle Supplier

- Mettle Virtual Event

- Mettle Use of Tech

- Mettle Industry Contribution

- Mettle Social Impact

- Mettle Innovation

- Mettle Inspiration

- Mettle Performer

- Mettle Event Content

To nominate a professional or organisation, anyone can outline why they deserve to be in the spotlight at EVENTFAQS Mettle Awards (in 200 words or less) and mail it to edit@eventfaqs.com. The description should necessarily carry the contact details of the sender. There is no entry fees for participation and winners will be awarded at a ceremony to be held in April, 2021.

(Revised at 10 hrs on 18 March 2021 to reflect postponement of the awards ceremony and extension of deadline for nominations.)

There is no entry fees for participation at the EVENTFAQS Mettle Awards and winners will be awarded at a ceremony to be held in April, 2021

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