Macao Focuses on Working with Indian MICE and Destination Wedding Planners Post Pandemic

Marketing | December 11, 2020 | News

Macao Tourism

The spread of the pandemic brought the travel and tourism industry across the globe to a standstill, delivering a staggering blow to travel-related businesses such as airlines, cruises, hospitality and technological companies. But since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, the autonomous region of Macao, in South-east Asia, has proven itself capable of battling the spread with lowest reported cases and zero deaths till date.

The Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) implemented preventive measures to strengthen Macao during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government initiated a mask distribution scheme from January 23 onwards for all residents. More than 80 million masks have been given out to date. With the support of local hotels, returning citizens underwent mandatory quarantine, preventing a community outbreak.

All-encompassing safety measures in place

MGTO is also paying close attention to timely and proper hygienic arrangements for everything connected to tourists, following the guidelines issued by its Health Bureau. Hotels and resorts have implemented preventive measures, from temperature screening to provision of hand sanitizers. While social distancing is being widely practised, UV sterilizers are used to disinfect hotel keycards, etc. Additionally, as students have returned to school, a mandatory health declaration is being made via a QR Code. Small and medium-sized enterprises have set up preventive measures, and all these have effectively minimized the impact of the pandemic.

Macao has also diversified its offerings to business tourism visitors and incentive travellers to provide designer shopping experiences, luxury hotels and resorts, as well as safe dining and entertainment options.

What makes Macao attractive for Indians

Macao is a visa-free short haul destination for Indians to visit. Year-round, there are several festivals and events that make Macao a lively and interesting place for Indians to explore. The MGTO has also launched an Incentive Stimulation Program to continue its support in boosting the arrival of business and incentive travellers from India. The convention and exhibition industry is one of the fastest-growing emerging industries in Macao in the past decade. In recent years, the rapid development of Macao's convention and exhibition industry has also received international recognition.

Dency Mathews, India Account Manager - Trade, Marketing & PR, Macao Government Tourist Office said, “As we all jointly prepare ourselves for a revival of the MICE and Wedding event business, Macao Tourism is specifically catering to Indian MICE and Wedding planners through webinars and creating awareness for the destination from real life experiences of experts who have planned events in Macao. With constant support from the Indian MICE & Destination Wedding planner community, we are hoping to identify brand new opportunities and share interesting insights about Macao and steps being taken by us for the revival of business.”

Macao is Asia’s newest and most exciting destination for international events. Its growing number of entertainment options and attractions have ensured a steady stream of visitors.

Experiential Planner, in partnership with Macao Tourism, recently concluded a webinar called Reboot Camp featuring MICE and Destination Wedding experts, to discuss new opportunities to explore Macao for weddings and MICE programmes.

Watch full webinar here:

Macao is a visa-free short haul destination for Indians to visit. Year-round, there are several festivals and events that make Macao a lively and interesting place to explore.

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