The Event Education Festival Snapshots: Brand Marketing and Events

Business Events | August 4, 2020 | News

Whistling Woods International Event Education Festival

Whistling Woods International’s three-day ‘Event Education Festival’ kicked off on 29th July 2020. Here are some snapshots (sic) from a discussion on ‘Brand Marketing and Events’ on day three.

Shyam Chhabria, COO, Event Capital (Moderator)

“No shortcuts. Get your hands dirty; a lot of opportunities are now open for students.”

Rahul Bharadwaj, Senior Marketing Manager, Skoda India

“It’s all about bringing the brand experience to the customer. The touch and feel cannot be done by advertising. It's good for awareness but if you have to experience the product or get a touch and feel of the car, then you will have to do an activation or an event of some sort where people can experience it on their own.”

Akul Narula, Central Head of Events, DLF India

“As an aggregator at a physical market place, our job is to build a middle layer and get additional footfalls so that at the end of the day, customers are acquired. So an event for me will always be about customer acquisition, cost, experience curating and passing on the information.”

Vinit Karnik, Business Head – Entertainment, Sports & Live Events, Group M

“The prime objective of designing events is about experiences. What is the experience that you are going to give? And the moment you start answering this question, whether it’s an advertiser, individual or a brand, it will work. Create a proposition that will lead to experiences, conversations, which will bring people together.”

“My advice to the young people will be, that there are no easy ladders to this whole game. Take baby steps. Start from the absolute hard work that goes into behind-the-stage on-ground per se. And today, there is event marketing, event sponsorships are said to be the glamorous side of the event business, but for me you need to really experience, to be there, to be the toughest. My advice will be going right from the bottom to the top.”

Debal Dutt, Executive VP & CMO, Intellect Design Arena

“The clients respect you if you understand the little things. With your understanding of events and a basic understanding of marketing, it’s a killer combination.”

Whistling Woods International’s three-day ‘Event Education Festival’ kicked off on 29th July 2020. Here are some snapshots (sic) from a discussion on ‘Brand Marketing and Events’ on day three.

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