AFP Gets IndoAsian to ‘Act Now’ at its New Delhi Conference

Marketing | August 2, 2016 | News

Crowne Plaza

AFP managed a two-day conference for fusegear company IndoAsian at the Crowne Plaza, New Delhi on July 11 and 12, which was attended by a team of 60 senior managers, department heads and factory heads.

The brief was to conceptualize a conference that would not merely be about an electrical product installation, but about instilling a sense of value in the hearts and minds of employees. The theme had to bring employees into action mode, and so the theme ‘Act Now’ was coined.

The task involved creating an experiential event that would bring out this idea of value, with the support of collaterals and experiences. Multiple experiential zones were set up at the venue to bring out the theme.

A motivational AV was screened at the beginning of the conference with an inspiring script that matched visuals which were extensively shot at actual factory locations in Delhi and Haridwar. A professional facilitator was roped in to guide the discussions and workshops as per the agenda.

The 2-day conference took place at the Crowne Plaza, New Delhi and was attended by 60 senior-level employees.

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  • AFP Gets IndoAsian to ‘Act Now’ at its New Delhi Conference

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