From IBW to the Lost Party: Two Great Back-to-Back Weekends - Deepak Choudhary

Entertainment | March 1, 2016 | Guest Article

Deepak Choudhary India Bike Week The Lost Party

By Deepak Choudhary

It is no secret that I love attending events. The more the merrier is my mantra, and my last two weekends couldn’t have been merrier.

While I was in Goa for the India Bike Week 2016 on February 20 and 21, I decided to also drive down to Lonavala for the Lost Party which took place from February 26-28.

Now, though both IBW and Lost Party are lifestyle event IPs focusing on a specific audience profile, both events ensured that all stakeholders from sponsors and exhibitors to artists and attendees got their bang for the buck. As an event IP, this is what you aim for, and both these properties are definitely on the right path.

The popularity of India Bike Week led to an increase in attendees since the the last edition. Stray conversations I had with the attendees revealed that bikers and riders from the north to the south of India were present, confirming to me the nation-wide appeal of IBW. Moreover, there was a tremendous amount of diversity with many biking groups and clubs present, including an all-women’s biking group.

With 7 new bike launches from 3 brands at the festival, the organisers are no doubt thrilled that more brands are lining up to launch their bikes at the annual biking festival, rather than in the conventional way - at the well-established Auto Expo in New Delhi.

Activities and exhibits at IBW included Bikini Bike Wash, Custom Motorcycles’ showcase, a display of Vintage Bikes, and motorcycle art by talented artists. The off-road track for bike-spins had everyone’s adrenaline pumping, while The Biker’s mall featured stalls from companies selling accessories, allowing bikers the option to upgrade their bikes according to their needs.

Moving from the bustle of India Bike Week, I found the serene setup at Lost Party at Salter Lake in Lonavala really striking. Music festivals are a dime a dozen in the country, and with the popularity of NH7 Weekender, there are many ‘me, too’ festivals scheduled all over. Free from the rush and immediacy of the standard music festival, The Lost Party is looking to create a more relaxed environment in which participants of alternative culture can freely experiment, communicate and thrive in. I am now hooked and will mark dates on the calendar for this event next year.

While multiple performance stages are a part of every music festival, Lost Party upped the ante a few notches with flea markets, street art, daytime disco brunches, night-long silent parties, board games, martial arts like Kalaripayattu and Capoeira, 3D printing, DIY science workshops courtesy Mad Stuff With Rob, body-painting, origami, holistic practices like Reiki and massages, and all the regular community-building camping festival ubiquities like star-gazing, busking and bonfires. Even the film buffs were in for a treat with Chennai’s Indiearth screening Indie films. The large-scale art installations powered by animation and sound were definitely a treat, and attracted a lot of attention from the visitors.

Following these two great back-to-back weekend events, I returned charged up to attend even more events over the next few weeks. There is no shortage of events, only not enough time.

Deepak Choudhary is an Event Industry Enthusiast who is always on the lookout for interesting event Intellectual Properties that can be Owned, Licensed or Acquired (OLA) - A model that he has devised for Event Capital, a company that specialises in empowering event IPs.


Engage with Deepak on Twitter.


Also Read: Deepak Choudhary Reviews BodyPower Expo 2016; Finds Attention To Detail A Welcome Change!


*WOW Awards Asia 2016 will be held on 23-25 June 2016 at New Delhi Aerocity.  Click here for the full list of categories. Call for Entries is NOW OPEN!

Deepak Choudhary reviews the recently held ‘India Bike Week’ and ‘Lost Party’ from an event IP owner’s unique perspective.

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